Favorite DaysVol. 1

Apocalypse: Day 1

April 24, 2017 3472 views

Dog’s Collection of Journal Entries & Drawings from Day 1 of the Apocalypse (His Favorite!):


Today Owner put a lot of things in the Going Away bag. I was sad because I thought I would be left at home and would not get to meet any of the new friends who are waiting for us to come outside and play. I love meeting new friends! And I do not like to be left alone. But then, I saw my ball!. (Ball!) And my leash. (Walk!) They are in the bag, so now I am sure Owner is going to take me to Going Away too! Owner even put my food next to the bag to remind me to eat as much as I can so I will have enough energy for our trip together. Good Owner! What a great day!


We can’t stay here any longer. The zombies are taking over the city. Some are shuffling around just outside our door! We must get out tomorrow. Packed enough food, water, and medical supplies for Dog and me for a couple of weeks if we ration. I wish I’d invested in one of those backpacks for dogs, so Dog could carry his own supplies. Must keep an eye out for a pet store. Hope I have enough dog poo bags.

*Addendum: Will have to leave day after tomorrow. Dog is too full to move. Must teach him the meaning of the word “ration.”



Mmmmmmmmm, gahhhhhhhh.

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