NewsVol. 2

#NewFriendApocalypse Coming In the New Year!

November 8, 2017 6206 views
RIP Buster, A Very Good Boy

Note from the writer, Sarah Parker-Lee: Dogs and Zombies is taking a break as we plan our second volume, coming to the interwebs near you in February 2018. We say goodbye this year to our fantastic illustrator, Emily Meredith Lewis, who will be pursuing her other projects, including a tribute to her amazing dog (and a personal friend of mine), Buster, who sadly passed away a few months ago. We miss Buster very much, but wish Emily success in her next endeavors!

Jennifer Adams Klein will take over as illustrator for our next iteration, which will see Cat and Dog teamed up for all kinds of shenanigans as Owner is lost and Zombie may or may not be a pawn in Cat’s ultimate plan. Unlike Owner, all the cute and morbid humor you’re used to will still be with us!

So stay tuned for news, new posts, and our coming-soon Instagram. In the meantime, we will post fresh content on our Twitter as well as oldies but goodies from our blog archives.

Thanks to all our fans and followers! If you have ideas, questions, or requests for what you’d like to see next, tell us in the comments!

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